Annals of Dining
The Country Restaurant
Damon Baehrel’s methods are a marvel, and his tables are all booked until 2025. Or are they?
by Nick Paumgarten
Annals of Dining
The Country Restaurant
Damon Baehrel’s methods are a marvel, and his tables are all booked until 2025. Or are they?
by Nick Paumgarten
Justice Delayed
In Alabama, Bryan Stevenson is saving inmates from execution and memorializing the darkest episodes of America’s past.
by Jeffrey Toobin
A Reporter at Large
The Distant Shore
In Peru, an unsolved killing has brought the Mashco Piro into contact with the outside world.
by Jon Lee Anderson
Letter from Maricopa County
Can Latinos Swing Arizona?
An organization’s efforts to get out the vote may help to determine who wins the 2016 election.
by Héctor Tobar
The Political Scene
Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All
“The Art of the Deal†made America see Trump as a charmer with an unfailing knack for business. Tony Schwartz helped create that myth—and regrets it.
by Jane Mayer
Annals of War
The Shadow Doctors
The underground race to spread medical knowledge as the Syrian regime erases it.
by Ben Taub
A Reporter At Large
Making a Killing
The business and politics of selling guns.
by Evan Osnos
A Reporter At Large
Home Free
How a New York State prisoner became a jailhouse lawyer, and changed the system.
by Jennifer Gonnerman
American Chronicles
Citizen Khan
Behind a Muslim community in northern Wyoming lies one enterprising man—and countless tamales.
by Kathryn Schulz
The Political Scene
Sting of Myself
Amateurish spies like James O’Keefe III attempt to sway the 2016 campaign.
by Jane Mayer
Onward and Upward with the Arts
Man on the Street
Billy Eichner’s pop-culture game show spares no one.
by Sarah Larson