Letter from Iskenderun
Turkey’s Earthquake Election
by Suzy Hansen
The disaster highlighted the corruption and authoritarianism of President Erdoğan. Can he finally be defeated?
Letter from Iskenderun
Turkey’s Earthquake Election
by Suzy Hansen
The disaster highlighted the corruption and authoritarianism of President Erdoğan. Can he finally be defeated?
The Fugitive Princesses of Dubai
by Heidi Blake
As the emirate’s ruler espoused gender equality, four royal women staked their lives on escaping his control.
A Dennis Lehane Novel Investigates Boston’s White Race Riots
by Laura Miller
When a working mother goes in search of her daughter, amid the busing protests in 1974, she discovers a toxic brew of clan loyalties and racism, including her own.
The Covert Mission to Solve a Mexican Journalist’s Murder
by Melissa del Bosque
After the death of a reporter who investigated narcopolitics, her colleagues formed a secret collective to bring the killers to justice—and challenge a culture of impunity.
How Michael R. Jackson Remade the American Musical
by Hilton Als
“A Strange Loop,” a story about a Black, gay theatre nerd, was a surprise success. In his latest work, “White Girl in Danger,” Jackson reimagines the soap opera.
The Dirty Secrets of a Smear Campaign
by David D. Kirkpatrick
Rumors destroyed Hazim Nada’s company. Then hackers handed him terabytes of files exposing a covert campaign against him—and the culprit wasn’t a rival but an entire country.
A Coup at the WestView News
by Zach Helfand
A succession battle involving a fight for the patronage of Sarah Jessica Parker threatens to stop the presses at a Greenwich Village newspaper.
The Fight Over Penn Station and Madison Square Garden
by William Finnegan
How the effort to renovate midtown Manhattan’s transit hub has been stalled by money, politics, and disputes about the public good.
Annals of Higher Education
The End of the English Major
by Nathan Heller
Enrollment in the humanities is in free fall at colleges around the country. What happened?
The Ultimate Vermeer Collection
by Rebecca Mead
A bravura show at the Rijksmuseum displays more of the Dutch Master’s work at once than he himself ever saw.